Bariatric Surgery helps you by:
- Limiting the amount of food that is eaten at any one time by helping you feel full with a small amount of food
- Reducing hunger and the drive to eat
- Reducing the amount of calories which are absorbed
As weight is lost, patients often are able to adopt a more active, healthy lifestyle to enhance their weight loss and improve their quality of life.
What Operations Are Available?
The most common operations in Australia for weight loss (Bariatric Surgery) are:
- Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (“Lap Band”)
- Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Gastric Bypass (also called Roux en Y Gastric Bypass)
Over 14,000 operations for weight loss are performed in Australia each year. Currently about 70% of these are sleeve gastrectomy, 20% are gastric band and 10% gastric bypass. At Darebin Weight Loss Surgery, we offer expert care in all surgical options.

Gastric Banding (Lap Band Surgery)
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding involves inserting a specially made band around the top of the stomach. This is done with a keyhole technique so recovery is quick. Lap band surgery enables the limiting of the amount of food that is eaten at a meal because of the feeling of fullness and reduction in hunger.
Good weight loss of about 50% of excess weight is achievable. There is extremely low risk of operative complications and it is completely reversible.
Gastric Bypass Surgery
Did you know that in selected patients, gastric bypass has a 80% chance of controlling Type 2 diabetes? Gastric bypass is a very well established weight loss procedure. The stomach is divided to create a small gastric pouch and a bypass is made to allow food to move directly into the intestines.Next, a Y-shaped section of intestine is fashioned and joined to the gastric pouch.
This allows food to bypass the lower stomach and move directly into the intestines. The procedure may be performed laparoscopically (keyhole) but on occasions requires an open (large incision) approach.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy or Tube Gastrectomy is a restrictive procedure that limits the amount of food you eat by reducing the size of your stomach.
During this procedure, a thin vertical sleeve of stomach is created using a surgical stapling device via keyhole surgery. The stomach sleeve restricts the amount of food you can eat and makes you feel full with a small meal. It also reduces hunger. No post-operative adjustments are required and it is possible to achieve 60-70 % excess body weight loss.
Bariatric Surgery helps you lose weight and keep it off
Biliopancreatic Diversion
Laparoscopic Biliopancreatic Diversion operation combines removal or exclusion of two-thirds of the stomach along with a long intestinal bypass which significantly reduces the absorption of fat. Residual stomach capacity is about 200mls.
The capacity to eat is greater than with the other operations, and the eventual weight loss is the best of all the operations but if fatty foods are overeaten e.g. a hamburger and fries then diarrhoea and foul flatus will result.

Gastric Endobarrier
The EndoBarrier allows for the beneficial effects of gastric bypass surgery, without the risks of surgery.The EndoBarrier is an innovative and non-surgical medical device especially useful for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity. It is designed to help you gain metabolic control by placing a barrier between food and a portion of the small intestine where digestion occurs.
The procedure is fast, safe and an overnight hospital stay is usually not required. The procedure does not make permanent changes to your anatomy (body plumbing). It alters the way your body responds to food by mechanisms similar to the “gastric bypass”.
Comparing Bariatric Surgery
Feature | Lap Band | Sleeve | Bypass |
Success Rate | 70% | 75-85% | 85-90% |
Weight Loss | 50% EWL | 60% EWL | 65-80% EWL |
Operative Risk | + | ++ | >+++ |
Nutritional Risk | -/+ | + | ++ |
Demand On Eating Behaviours | +++ | ++ | ++ |
Difficulty With Regurgitation | +++ | + | ++ |
Surgery for weight loss should not be seen in isolation
Diabetes & Weight Loss Surgery
There are health related issues that accompany weight gain and obesity. These include Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoarthritis of weight bearing joints, sleep apnoea, GORD, cancers, infertility, urinary stress incontinence, menstrual irregularities, depression and poor self-esteem.
Weight Loss Surgery is considered to be the “most effective” method of long-term weight loss for patients.
Safe Weight Loss Surgery
At Darebin Weight Loss Surgery close monitoring and attention to detail by experienced experts ensures that all elements of care are well managed.Tailored Program
Prepared Team
Locations of Darebin Weight Loss Surgery
Key Consulting Locations
Suite 3, 195 Thompsons Road
Bulleen Vic 3105
Key Operating Locations
The Austin Hospital
Warringal Private Hospital
Epworth Richmond
Latrobe Private
Northern Private.