Anthony’s Gastric Band
The Challenge
Probably the first question I have asked after I explain to someone about my lap band is what was it that made you decide to get it done.
I will never forget the day my life changed…I was walking towards set a double sliding glass doors that grace all shopping centres about to treat myself to a birthday present. I saw a bloke walking towards me who was that overweight that I stood there as a man of 171.9 kilos and thought …”GEEZ, what a big bloke, I know I’m fat but this bloke is kidding himself…” As the doors opened the man disappeared and a young family walked out. They closed and there he was again. I then realised that man was me!!!!
Funniest thing was when I look back at this is day things such as my ever growing waist line, consistently sick feeling, aching body and the range of medications I was taking to control blood pressure, sugars, cholesterol and anxiety hadn’t made sense that my health and life were at risk.
Something had to give and when I heard about lap band surgery and the way that many had used as a tool to guide them back to the path of good health I decided to learn more about it. I dug my head into research I read many publications, jumped on the internet and most of all had a good hard look at me and what it was that food meant to me. I then made up a list of pros and cons and the pros came out in front. I wanted a long, healthy and fulfilling life and was going to give myself the best shot at it.
The Journey
March 26th 2007 I had my surgery done and I was petrified but yet very excited about my new stage evolving. I can’t remember much about the rest of it however I remember waking up and the first thing I wanted to do was get up and walk as I didn’t want to waste not one more second and walk I did. The rest is history. The way I started is the way I keep going. I wasn’t really sure what had happened but I felt super and as though I was going to be OK.
Over the first month I could feel the weight melting away and it almost felt like there was no band at all. I had energy for the first time in a long, long time and got up every morning and would go for my walk. I would pace myself and see does my one lap of the course which was 3.817kms the first time it took me 1 hour and 47mins. I still kept on becoming more educated on a healthier lifestyle and again immersed myself in reading on basic psychology, diet and exercise to name a few.
Not to bore you anymore now but my life has turned full circle. That walking track I first went around in 1 hour and 47mins is now done in about 15 mins on average. I have talking my studies even further and have completed my Personal training course and I have undertaking further work to teach me and others about personal empowerment.
Weight Lost kg
Body fat reduced
Years since surgery
Amazing Result
My tool to a healthier new life!
A very powerful tool ...
I don’t really want to bang on about this part however the Lap band is a very powerful tool is but like everything you must view it as that and use your own personal motivations to enure you take control. It will help get you on track to a healthy new you but will not do it all for you.
Would you do it again?
In conclusion, I started my story with the question I get asked most at the beginning of the piece I will end with the second question I then get asked, “Would you do it again?” for me this is a no brainier “Without doubt!!!!”

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