Lawvel’s Story
The Challenge
How many weight loss stories start with “I’ve tried every diet available …”. Well, I am one of those people. I have tried everything, lost weight, put it back on quicker than it took me to lose it!!!
Even my health practitioner, tried me on numerous programs. She would be thrilled for me when I lost and sad when I started to gain again. I reached the stage where I said, I am just going to accept myself for who I am. Thinking this would make me happy – but it didn’t.
The Journey
In undertaking the process of weight loss, I spent a very informative hour on education and expectation. I was initially very excited, only to have my excitement squashed when I realised that I needed to increase my Private Health Fund cover. I would have to wait 12 months before being able to access that cover!
On 8 November 2014, with a starting weight of 106 kgs, I had the sleeve gastrectomy.
I had lost over 30 kgs within 5 to 6 months and have maintained my weight of around 73 kgs since my surgery. I am sure it would
be possible to lose more, but I am more than happy to be the weight I am now. I haven’t been this happy with myself in many, many years.
To go from size 22/24 to size 14/16, to be able to go into shops that only cater for smaller sizes and not have people look at you like … “what are ‘you’ doing in a shop like this”?! To be able to pick things up from the floor without a struggle. To be able to get up off my knees, instead of having to crawl to a bed or a chair. To be able to get up again. To cross one leg over the other. These are things I never dreamt I’d be able to do again.
At age 69, I feel like a brand new person and years younger than my real age!
And finally, I owe so much to my wonderful supportive husband, Terry, who never judged me when I was obese and praised me on my weight loss journey.
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